
Committee welcomes ‘toolkit’ for tackling empty homes and businesses


Proposals to give local authorities the power to vary empty property relief have been welcomed as a useful addition to the ‘toolkit’ available to help tackle the problem of long term empty homes and businesses.

Support advocated to help Scottish researchers access European funds


Support to help Scottish researchers in accessing European grants including Horizon 2020 should be better promoted, according to a report published today by the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee.

Committee hears evidence on Legionnaire’s outbreak


The Health and Sport Committee today held an evidence session on the Legionnaire’s outbreak in Edinburgh.

Ceistean rin cur a thaobh cuine a bu chòir seirbhisean clann a’ chur fo chùram


Tha Comataidh Foghlam is Cultar aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba gu bhith a’ sgrùdadh modhan cho-dhùnaidh a thaobh cuin a bu chòir dhaibh clann a thoirt air falbh bho na dachaighean aca fhèin, no ma tha adhbhar ann a bhith gan toirt air falbh idir.

Iarraidh air soilleireachadh a thaobh Chosgaisean Slàinte


Scotland’s annual health spend is more than £11 billion but there remains a lack of clarity as to how that budget is being spent by NHS boards, according to a report by the Health and Sport Committee.

£30 million tourism spend to be probed by Economy Committee


Glasgow 2014, London 2012, the Disney film Brave, Homecoming 2014, the Ryder Cup. All these major events are being used to promote tourism in Scotland, assisted by £30million of funding for VisitScotland. But what impact do these events have?

Rùnaire a' Chaibineit ri Aithris Adhartais a thoirt do chomataidh


In a first for a Scottish Parliament committee, the Education and Culture Committee will mark the end of the first year of this Parliament by getting an in-depth ‘progress report’ from the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs.

Gòrdan Brown na Phrìomh Òraidiche aig an Fhèis Phoilitigs 2012


'S e an seann Phrìomh Mhinistear, Am Ball Fìor Urramach Gòrdan MacIlleDhuinn BP, a bhios mar phrìomh òraidiche aig ochdamh Fèill nam Poilitigs sa Phàrlamaid Albannach agus e a' toirt seachad a’ chiad Òraid Campbell Christie.

‘Cultural Change’ Needed to Deliver Public Services


A ‘cultural change’ is needed in order that public bodies can work together to successfully deliver vital public services according to a report of the the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee

Galar Legionnaires gu bhith fo Rannsachadh le Comataidh Slàinte 's Spòrs


Bidh mar a chaidh dèiligeadh le Galair Legionnaires ann an Dùn Èideann a' tighinn fo sgrùdadh ri linn seisean fianais aig a' Chomataidh Slàinte 's Spòrs aig coinneamh air 26 Ògmhios.

Committee visits Fife for renewables inquiry >> Image gallery


On Monday, the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee visited Fife as part of its inquiry into the Scottish Government's renewable energy targets.

Investment in the renewable energy industry is the focus of a visit by MSPs


Equipping our future workforce with the right skills to meet anticipated growth in the renewable energy industry is the focus of a visit to Fife by MSPs from the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee.

Tillidh taisbeanadh Dealbhan Luchd-Naidheachd an t-Saoghail don Phàrlamaid as t-Samhradh


illidh sàr-dhealbhan naidheachd eadar-nàiseanta gu Pàrlamaid na h-Alba san Iuchar nuair a bhios obair luchd-duaiseCo-fharpais Dealbhan Luchd-Naidheachd an t-Saoghail (Word Press Photo - WPP) ri fhaicinn sa Phrìomh Thrannsa.

Rannsachadh lùths ath-nuadhachail air cruinneachadh fianais a’ crìochnachadh


Bidh Comataidh Eaconomachd, Cumhachd agus Turasachd, a chuir rannsachadh air chois o chionn ceithir miosan air lùths ath-nuadhachail, a’ crìochnachadh a h-obair a thaobh cruinneachadh fianais air cho ruigsinneach ’s a tha na targaidean an Riaghaltais.

Presiding Officers greets Olympic torch bearers


Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP formally greeted Olympic torch bearers outside the Scottish Parliament this morning.

Committee visits Barnardo’s service


Barnardo’s support service in Glasgow for childen at risk of sexual exploitation was the focus of a fact-finding visit on Monday 11 June by MSPs from the Public Petitions Committee.

Business in Parliament >> Video roundup


The seventh annual Business in Parliament conference, held at Holyrood on Friday, debated how to inspire the next generation of business people in Scotland.

An Taisbeanadh ‘Sgeulachdan Siùbhlach’ ann an Inbhir Nis


Thig taisbeanadh a sheallas mar a chaidh daoine an-sàs ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba gus cùisean atharrachadh gu Taigh-cluiche Eden Court ann an Inbhir Nis an-diugh (Dimàirt, 12 Ògmhios).

Deputy Presiding Officer hosts reception for John Smith Fellows


On Monday evening, Deputy Presiding Officer Elaine Smith MSP hosted a reception and dinner for the 2012 John Smith Fellowship Programme.

Turas nam BPAan a dh'Arcaibh 's a Ghallaibh a dh'fhaicinn obair lùths ath-nuadhaichte


'S e leasachadh ann an gnìomhachas lùths ath-nuadhaichte ann an Arcaibh 's an Gallaibh fòcas turas BPAan o Chomataidh Eaconamaidh, Lùths is Turasachd.

Images from BIMR conference at the Scottish Parliament


The 42nd Conference of the British Islands and Mediterranean Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is taking place at the Scottish Parliament.

Committee visits Flanders Moss nature reserve


Members of the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee will visit Central Scotland on Monday 11 June and Tuesday 12 June.

Tha fòcas gu bhith ann an Gnìomhachas sa Phàrlamaid air mar a bhrosnaicheas sinn an ath ghinealach de luchd-tionnsgainn ann an Alba


Bidh dithis den luchd-tionnsgainn as soirbheachail a th’ann an Alba, Sir Tom Hunter agus Jim McColl an-diugh mar phàirt de phrìomh thachartas ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

Sir Tom Hunter gives keynote speech at Business in Parliament conference


Sir Tom Hunter today gave a keynote speech to the seventh annual Business in Parliament conference at the Scottish Parliament.

Ministerial statement on Legionella outbreak


The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Nicola Sturgeon MSP today made a statement to the Scottish Parliament on the Legionella outbreak in Edinburgh.

Co-fharpais Dhòmhnaill Mhic an Deòir a' brosnachadh deasbaid mu chuspairean ar Latha


Bidh còrr is 100 oileanach o àrd-sgoiltean thar na h-Alba a' frithealadh a' phàirt dheireannaich de Cho-fharpais Deasbaid Chuimhneachaidh Dhòmhnaill Mhic an Deòir na bliadhna aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air Diardaoin 14 Ògmhios aig 18.30f.

Buntanas pàrlamaideach aig cridhe na deasbaid


Tha co-labhairt gu bhith ann far am bi còrr agus lethcheud pàrlamaideach eadar-nàiseanta a’ deasbad ciamar a nithear pàrlamaidean nas buntainniche. Gabhaidh i àite aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air Diluain 11 agus Dimàirt 12 Ògmhios.

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