
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba gu bhith mar phàirt de dh’fhosgladh Lunnainn 2012


Gus a’ chiad latha de Gheamannan Oilimpigeach Lunnainn 2012 air Dihaoine 27 Iuchar a chomharrachadh, bidh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba an sàs anns a’ choimisean a fhuair am fear-ealain is fear-ciùil Martin Creed, a tha air Duais Turner a ghlèidheadh.

Saothair George Wyllie gu bhith ga comharrachadh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba


Tha saothair George Wyllie, a bha air fear den luchd-ealain as cliùitiche is as comharraichte ann an Alba, air nochdadh mar thaisbeanadh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

Public seats available for international culture summit


How do the arts enrich peoples’ lives around the world and how do they help us understand each other in the Year of Creative Scotland and the Olympic Games?

Cuireadh do Mhinistear na RA airson Ath-leasachadh Shochairean, Am Morair Freud, tighinn gu Taigh an Ròid


Minister for Welfare Reform Lord Freud has been invited to appear before the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee. The invitation was extended following a meeting between Lord Freud and members of the Committee today.

Alba mar Nàisean Uisge gu bhith fo Sgrùdadh


Thèid mar a bhios Alba na 'nàisean uisge' a rèir Bile Goireasan Uisge (Alba) a sgrùdadh le Comataidh Bun-structair is Cur an Seilbh Calpa Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

Tha roghainn is riaghladh mar bhunait do leasachadh cùram sòisealta, a rèir aithisg le Comataidh Slàinte is Spòrs


Bu chòir gum bi smachd aig daoine air a’ bhuidseat-cùraim aca fhèin, agus gun rachadh pàigheadh dìreach a thairgse dhaibh gus dòighean seach cùram air a ruith le comhairlean a mhaoineachadh, a rèir aithisg le Comataidh Slàinte is Spòrs.

Clàr Àrd-Choinneamh Chultarach Eadar-nàiseanta Dhùn Èideann air a chur am follais


Bidh Ministearan Cultair o mu 40 dùthchannan a' cruinneachadh ann an Dùn Èideann air 13 agus 14 Lùnastail airson na h-Àrd-Choinneimh.

Public Audit Committee calls for transparency and accountability in health and social care integration plans


Holyrood’s Public Audit Committee is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure its plans for the integration of health and social care are underpinned by transparency and accountability.

Report on European structural funds examines issues around engagement


European structural funds have brought many social and economic benefits to Scotland, delivering infrastructure projects such as roads and bridges and empowering employment and development support in both rural and urban areas.

Presiding Officer presents Her Majesty The Queen with record of parliamentary visits during Holyrood Week


A photographic record of Her Majesty The Queen’s visits to the Scottish Parliament since 1999 was presented to The Queen by the Scottish Parliament’s Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP today.

Obair sgoilearan òga gu bhith mar phàirt mòr de thaisbeanadh fìor fhollaiseach a bhuineas ri Uilleam Uallas aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba


The work of three Scottish primary and three secondary school classes will feature in ‘Special Delivery: The William Wallace Letters’ exhibition being hosted in the Scottish Parliament from 15 August.

The impact of sport in our communities to be the focus of a major inquiry by MSPs


The role of sport in our communities, a key strand of the legacy of Glasgow 2014, will be the subject of a major inquiry by the Health and Sport Committee.

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