
Parliament returns to new three-day sitting pattern


The Scottish Parliament returns to business next week (Tuesday 4 September) with the introduction of its new three-day sitting pattern.

Sùil air spòrs agus Buill a’ tadhal air làrach Ghlaschu 2014


Chaidh Ionad-rothaireachd an Ridire Chris Hoy, Àrainn a’ Cho-fhlaitheis agus Baile nan Lùth-chleasaichean far an tèid Gèamannan a’ Cho-fhlaitheis a chumail ann an 2014 a shealltainn an-diugh do bhuill Chomataidh Slàinte agus Spòrs.

Daoine òga a' gabhail thairis a' phàrlamaid air latha mu dheireadh na fèise


The Festival of Politics culminates in the amplified sound of young people from across Scotland making their voices heard in a verbal and musical take over on the final day of another successful festival at the Scottish Parliament (Saturday 25 August).

Gòrdan Brown mar Phrìomh Òraidiche aig latha a trì de dh'Fhèis na Poilitigs 2012


The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP will headline day three (Friday 24 August) of the Festival of Politics at the Scottish Parliament. The former Prime Minister will deliver the inaugural Campbell Christie Memorial Lecture from Holyrood’s debating chamber.

An t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh na cathraiche aig seisean eachdraidh


Bha an t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh Tricia Marwick BPA na cathraiche aig seisean Fèis Phoilitigs 2012 a cho-dhùnadh cò bu chòir a bhith air pannal Brat-grèise Mòr na h-Alba air a bheil ‘Pàrlamaid àr Sinnsirean’.

Creativity, change and history dominate at Festival of Politics


An opportunity to put a stich in time and be part of history will be on offer at the Scottish Parliament as part of events taking place on day two of the Festival of Politics (Saturday 18 August).

Daoine òga, buidhneachas agus deilbheadh George Wyllie gus an t-ochdamh Fèis Phoilitigs bhliadhnail fhosgladh


For the eighth year running, the Scottish Parliament is hosting its Festival of Politics. Known for its challenging and thought-provoking events, this year is no different.

An t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh a’ toirt ‘togail-inntinn’ air a’ chòmhdhail chultarail


Tha an t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh Tricia Marwick BPA air fàilte a chur air mar a shoirbhich leis a’ chiad Chòmhdhail Chultair Eadar-nàiseanta an Dùn Èideann.

An Taisbeanadh 'Lìbhrigeadh Sònraichte: Litrichean Uilleim Uallais' aig Taigh an Ròid


Thathar air an dà litir thùsail a-mhàin aig a bheil ceangal dìreach ri Uilleam Uallas a nochdadh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba an-diugh aig taisbeanadh ùr.

Scottish Parliament hosts special exhibition of two William Wallace letters


The only two original letters with a direct link to William Wallace have gone on display at the Scottish Parliament today in a new exhibition.

An litir Lübeck air ais ann an Alba


The Lubeck letter has returned to Scotland for an exhibition at the Scottish Parliament

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