
The year at the Scottish Parliament


This year, Holyrood welcomed 494 school visits, involving 13,077 pupils. Parliament staff delivered 703 sessions in local communities across Scotland, attended by 17,626 pupils.

Committee seeks views on Forth Road Bridge Bill


The Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is today inviting interested individuals and organisations to contact it with their views on the Forth Road Bridge Bill.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee meet with UK Committee on Climate Change


The Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee today met with The Rt. Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben who is Chair of the UK Committee on Climate Change and David Kennedy who is their Chief Executive.

Rannsachadh Chomataidh Eaconamaidh air meudachadh luchd gun obair iomchaidh


Aon bhuaidh a th’ aig an t-seacadh (recession), ’s e gu bheil tuilleadh dhaoine a’ gabhail ri obair phàirt-ùine no obair nach eil iomchaidh dhaibh a thaobh an cuid sgilean.

Comataidh air rannsachadh mu theagasg chànanan sna bun-sgoiltean a chur air bhog


Chaidh rannsachadh mu theagasg chànanan sna bun-sgoiltean a chur air bhog an-diugh (Dihaoine 14 Dùbhlachd) le Comataidh Eòrpach agus Cheanglaichean A-muigh.

Dè na buannachdan ceangailte ri cur-seachadan le adhbhar sa phrìosan, tha Comataidh a’ Cheartais a’ faighneachd


Am bi cothrom air obair agus trèanadh a thaobh dhreuchdan ann an da-rìribh a’ brosnachadh phrìosanach gus stad a bhith ri eucoir san ùine fhada? ’S e sin an dearbh cheist a tha Comataidh a’ Cheartais a’ cur anns an rannsachadh ùr aice.

Comataidh an Ionmhais air fàilte a chur air a’ chuideam aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba air Tasgadh Calpach


Tha Comataidh an Ionmhais air fàilte a chur air an tasgadh chalpach a tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ toirt seachad ann am buidseat na bliadhna seo, san aithisg aice air Dreachd Buidseat 2013-14 a chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh.

Ciamar a dh’fhaodar aghaidh a thoirt air com-pàirteachas neo-ionann le boireannaich ann an obair, tha Comataidh Co-ionannachd Chothroman a’ faighneachd


Am bacadh caoch, pàigheadh neo-ionann is cothrom air cùram-cloinne. Seo ceistean a chuireas srian ri comas bhoireannach dol an sàs anns an àite-obrach. Tha Comataidh Co-ionannachd Chothroman air gairm airson fianaise a chur a-mach an-diugh.

Views sought on the shape of further education in Scotland


Proposals to reshape further education in Scotland are to be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee as part of its consideration of the Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill.

Views wanted on new stamp duty tax bill


Home buyers across Scotland will be among those paying close attention to a call for evidence issued today by the Finance Committee.Home-buyers across Scotland will be among those paying close attention to a call for evidence issued today by the Finance C

Scotland’s future as a Hydro Nation supported


Scotland’s future as a ‘Hydro Nation’ as set out in the Water Resources (Scotland) Bill has been supported by the Scottish Parliament’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee.

Better private sector engagement needed for employability opportunities, says Finance Committee


Early private sector involvement is vital if employment initiatives are to succeed, according to the Finance Committee in its report on Improving Employability, published today.

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