
Parliament welcomes Lithuanian Ambassador


This Thursday, the Scottish Parliament welcomes the Ambassador of Lithuania, Her Excellency Ms Asta Skaisgiryte Liauskiene to Holyrood.

Comataidh Slàinte is Spòrs ri tadhal air Lodainn an Iar


Bidh Comataidh Slàinte is Spòrs a’ tadhal air Lodainn an Iar an-diugh gus cruth a chur air an sgrùdadh aca air reachdas a dh’amalaicheas cùram-slàinte agus cùram sòisealta ann an Alba.

Comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid ri rannsachadh a chumail air coiteachadh


A Holyrood committee is to conduct an inquiry into lobbying to determine whether there is a problem in Scotland, either “actual or perceived”.

Benson’s Warhol photographs to join exhibition at the Scottish Parliament


Internationally acclaimed Scottish photographer Harry Benson CBE will loan two of his photos of Andy Warhol to the Scottish Parliament.

Ceannard ùr BRA ri òraid a thoirt seachad aig Co-labhairt Gnìomhachas anns a’ Phàrlamaid


The new Chief Executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Ross McEwan, will make one of his first public speeches when he addresses delegates at the Business in Parliament conference in November.

Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee to visit Inverness


MSPs on the Health and Sport Committee will visit NHS Highland in Inverness on Monday 23 September to see how they are delivering integrated adult health and social care to people across the Highland Council region.

Clearer vision needed to support vulnerable children


A shared vision of what success would look like for children in care must be established, and resources and processes should be built around that vision.

Mòr-Ghrèis na h-Alba gus tilleadh chun na Pàrlamaid ann an 2014


Tha Mòr-Ghrèis na h-Alba gus tilleadh gu Taigh an Ròid an dàrna uair an ath-bhliadhna an dèidh do mhòran a bhith air faicinn airson a’ chiad uair aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Thèid a taisbeanadh fad trì mìosan eadar Iuchar is Sultain.



Members of the public will get the chance to join guests at the prestigious Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy ceremony being hosted by the Scottish Parliament in the Debating Chamber on Thursday, 17 October.

Latha na Pàrlamaid ann an Obar Bhrothaig


Thèid an ath Latha Pàrlamaideach a chumail ann an Obar Bhrothaig Diluain 4 Samhain

Fiosrachadh mu chosgaisean nam ball air fhoillseachadh


Thathar air am fiosrachadh as ùire mu chosgaisean pàrlamaideach nam Ball uile fhoillseachadh air an Lìon an-diugh.

Eòlaiche air Warhol a’ tighinn gu Taigh an Ròid


Tachartas AN-ASGAIDH mar chuid de chomharradh fad seachdain air Dìleab Eadar-nàiseanta Anndra Charnegie

Global experts gather in Edinburgh to debate the most challenging issues of our time


FREE events part of a week-long celebration of the Andrew Carnegie Legacy

Comataidh Eaconamachd Pàrlamaid na h-Alba gus tadhal air Irbhinn


Nì a’ Chomataidh airson Eaconamachd, Lùths is Turasachd malairt mar gum biodh air Pàrlamaid na h-Alba airson a dhol gu Seòmraichean an Luchd-Saor-thoileach agus na BPAan gan suidheachadh fhèin gu h-às ùr ann an Irbhinn fad aon latha, air 30 Sultain.

Cuiridh Comataidh an Ionmhais fàilte air Bile Cìsean Làraichean Sgudail


Tha Comataidh an Ionmhais a’ cumail taic ri prionnsabail coitchinn Bile Cìsean Làraichean Sgudail (Alba) san aithisg ìre 1 aca, foillsichte an-diugh.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee call for views on the draft budget 2014-15


The Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee (RACCE) is inviting views on the rural affairs and environment section of the Scottish Government’s draft budget 2014-15.

Presiding Officer sets date for Dunfermline by-election


The Dunfermline by-election will be held on Thursday 24 October, it has been announced.

Community transport providers from across Scotland to gather at Holyrood


Community transport providers from across Scotland will gather at Holyrood next week (Wednesday 18 September) to discuss the future of the sector with MSPs on the Parliament’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee.

Proposed amendment to Scottish Parliament salary scheme


Text of letter from Presiding Officer to MSPs on the powers available to the Parliament with regard to all MSPs who are unable to fulfil the full range of their parliamentary duties as a result of being imprisoned.

Tè dhe na tapastraidhean as fhaide air domhain air a toirt am follais aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba


Chaidh fear de na pròiseactan ealain coimhearsnachd as motha riamh ann an Alba, a dh’innseas sgeul mheasgaichte na h-Alba bho na linntean ro-eachdraidh gu ruige ar linn fhèin, a thoirt am follais aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

Deputy Presiding Officer to host ‘Research, innovation and skills: 100 years of food and drink in Scotland’ event

The Deputy Presiding Officer, John Scott MSP will host an event this evening in the Scottish Parliament to mark the joint centenary of the Scottish Food and Drink Federation and the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health.

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