
Suidhichidh an t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh ceann-latha airson Fo-thaghadh Cowdenbeath


Thèid fo-thaghadh Cowdenbeath a chumail air Diardaoin 23 Faoilleach 2014, chaidh ainmeachadh.

Ceannard Banca Rìoghail na h-Alba ri bruidhinn aig co-labhairt air gnìomhachas ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba


Bheir Ceannard Banca Rìoghail na h-Alba, Ross McEwan, òraid an-diugh do bharrachd is 200 riochdaire aig co-labhairt ‘Gnìomhachas anns a’ Phàrlamaid’

Alba Chruthachail ri ceasnachadh le BPAan


Thèid cor roinn ealain is cultair na h-Alba a sgrùdadh le Comataidh Foghlam is Cultair aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba nuair a ghabhas i fianais o Cheannard Alba Chruthachail cho math ri ceathrar de phrìomh luchd-ealain ann an Alba air Dimàirt 26 Samhain.

Scottish Parliament Economy Committee inquiry: access to finance


t its meeting on Wednesday (20 November), the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee will start a short inquiry on access to finance and alternative funding methods for businesses.

Committee calls for clarification on plans to integrate health and adult social care


Legislation which will integrate the delivery of health and adult social care in order to improve outcomes for patients has been supported by the Health and Sport Committee.

Committee welcomes Children and Young People Bill


Increased detail from the Scottish Government to support the delivering of better outcomes for children would be welcomed according to a report issued today

Views on forced marriage wanted by Justice Committee


Should Scotland fall into line with the rest of the UK on making forced marriage a criminal offence or are current legal provisions sufficient?

Health and Sport Committee publishes NHS Board budget scrutiny


The Health and Sport Committee has today published a report into the scrutiny of the budgets of NHS Boards.

Comataidh a’ cur ceist an e ‘am fuasgladh ceart’ a tha ann an reachdas a thaobh càradh thogalaichean


Thèid sgrùdadh a dhèanamh le Comataidh Riaghaltas Ionadail is Ath-nuadhachadh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air ceuman a tha ag amas air cùisean a dhèanamh nas fhasa do dh’ùghdarrasan ionadaile a thaobh càradh togalaichean cunnartach

Bile Cruinneachadh Burrell a’ faighinn taic bho Chomataidh Taigh an Ròid


Fhuair Bile a bheireadh cumhachdan a bharrachd dha Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu cead a thoirt seachad dha Cruinneachadh Burrell a chur a-mach air iasad – thall thairis cuideachd – air taic fhaighinn bho chomataidh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

Calling all Scottish businesses – last chance to sign up for Business in Parliament conference


Businesses from across Scotland are being urged to take this last opportunity to sign up for the Parliament’s annual business conference.

Mòr-chuid na Comataidh a’ cur taic ri Bile a’ Phòsaidh aig Ìre 1


Thathar a’ cur taic ri prionnsapalan coitcheann Bile a’ Phòsaidh is a’ Chaidreachais Shìobhalta (Alba) leis a’ mhòr-chuid de bhuill sa Chomataidh airson Co-ionannachd Chothroman san aithisg Ìre 1 aca, a chaidh fhoillseachadh an-diugh.

Deer management to be scrutinised by MSPs


The effectiveness of the current system of managing Scotland’s deer population is to be scrutinised by MSPs on the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee.

Committee to ‘Ask the Health Secretary’


Members of the public from across Scotland have submitted their most pressing health policy questions for MSPs on the Health and Sport Committee to ‘Ask the Health Secretary’.

MSPs meet with their Irish counterparts


MSPs on the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee today met with their Irish counterparts to discuss Scotland’s experience of sustaining coastal and island communities.

Don Giovanni a' tighinn gu Taigh an Ròid


Bidh Taigh an Ròid mar àrd-ùrlar le mealladh, brath is fiù ’s murt air chois nas fhaide air adhart an-diugh agus Opera Alba a’ cur Pìos Beag de Don Giovanni air dòigh ann am Prìomh Thrannsa aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

New subtitling service makes FMQs more accessible


A new service aimed at making First Minister’s Questions (FMQs) more accessible is now available on the Scottish Parliament’s You Tube channel.

Local communities asked for their views on the impact of police reform


Local communities asked for their views on the impact of police reform

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