
Irish focus for Europe


On Thursday 27 February, Members of the European and External Relations Committee will hear from their Irish counterparts via video conference as part of the Committee’s inquiry into the Scottish Government's proposals for an independent Scotland

Regeneration not delivering for our most deprived communities


Years of regeneration policies have delivered few long-lasting outcomes for the most deprived communities in Scotland according to a report issued today by the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee.

Will proposed reforms to civil courts improve quality of justice for the public, asks Justice Committee?


Views on far-reaching changes to the Scottish civil courts system are being sought by the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee in a call for evidence published today.

Fòcas air taigheadas ri linn turas comataidh Latha Pàrlamaid gu Dùn Breatann


A bheil barrachd fios a dhìth oirbh mu na tha a’ Phàrlamaid a’ dèanamh gus dol an glaic ri droch chor taigheadas air mhàl no giùlan mì-shòisealta?

Tadhlaidh an t-Oifigear Riaghlaidh air Shieldinch


Cuiridh Shieldinch fàilte air neach-tadhail ùr nas fhaide air adhart sa mhìos seo nuair a thèid Oifigear Riaghlaidh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, Am Fìor Urr. Tricia Marwick BPA, gu làrach a’ phrògraim BhBC a tha measail aig mòran, ’s e sin River City.

Future of local government in Scotland to be examined


The future of local government in Scotland is to be examined in an inquiry launched today (Monday 10 February) by the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee.

A’ Phàrlamaid gus co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta a chumail air seallaidhean poilitigeach nam boireannach


Thèid co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta mu na dh’fhiosraicheas boireannaich ann am pàrlamaidean agus riochdachadh nam boireannach ann am poilitigs a chumail aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba Didòmhnaich 16 Màrt.

Comataidh an Ionmhais air comharrachadh gun fheum Coimisean Fiosgail Albannach a bhith neo-eisimeileach


Tha Comataidh an Ionmhais ag iarraidh cuideam a chur air a bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi Coimisean Fiosgail na h-Alba a’ moladh, neo-eisimeileach, follaiseach agus neo-phàirteasanach, ann an aithisg.

Justice Committee disagrees on case to abolish corroboration requirement


The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee is not convinced that the case has been made to abolish the requirement for corroboration

Progress too slow on effective deer management plans, finds Rural Committee


In a letter to the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, the Committee unanimously calls on deer management groups (the voluntary system for managing red deer) to have plans in place by the end of 2016

Sgrùdadh air cùisean Aonadh na h-Eòrpa air moladh fhaighinn bho Chomataidh Eòrpach is Dàimhean a-muigh


Tha ceanglaichean agus sgrùdadh le Comataidhean Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa air cùisean Aonadh na h-Eòrpa air molaidh fhaighinn an-diugh bho Chomataidh Eòrpach is Dàimhean a-muigh.

Ceuman gus mì-ghnàthachadh nan suaicheantas gorma gu bhith air a sgrùdadh le Comataidh


Proposals to tackle the misuse of the disabled parking blue badge scheme are to be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee.

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