
Gypsy/Traveller site near Aberdeen to host parliamentary meeting


Clinterty Gypsy/Traveller’s site near Aberdeen will host a meeting of the Equal Opportunities Committee on Monday 4 February as part of its inquiry into Where Gypsy/Travellers Live.

Property factors and land-owning maintenance companies under Justice Committee microscope


The ability of homeowners to appoint and dismiss property factors and land-owning maintenance companies is to be investigated by the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee.

MSPs hear about the importance of conserving Scotland’s biodiversity


The Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee today heard from a number of organisations on the actions Scotland needs to take to ensure its nature and wildlife thrives.

Views called for on climate change report by four parliamentary committees


The expertise of four parliamentary committees is being used for the first time to scrutinise the Scottish Government’s second draft climate change report on proposals and policies (RPP2).

Fòcas air coimhearsneachdan ro Latha na Pàrlamaid


As part of the work ahead of the second Parliament Day, the Scottish Parliament will be holding a number of community-outreach sessions.

Comataidh air fàilte a chur air ‘fuasgladh ionadail’ air duilgheadas nan callaidean àrda


Measures aimed at addressing the misery caused by high hedges have been welcomed by the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee.

MSPs to visit Dundee to help inform teenage pregnancy inquiry


A peer led scheme which aims to improve sexual health, relationships and wellbeing in Dundee will be showcased to MSPs from the Health and Sport Committee to inform their inquiry into unplanned teenage pregnancies.

Committee convener welcomes positive impact of petitions


The Convener of the Public Petitions Committee has today welcomed the positive impact that petitions to the Scottish Parliament are having on the lives of people across Scotland.

Teaching languages in Hamilton primary school examined by MSPs


The teaching of languages in a Hamilton primary school is under the spotlight today as two Members of the Scottish Parliament visit St Elizabeth’s in Eddlewood, Hamilton.

Justice request to establish sub-committee on policing


A request to establish a new sub-committee on policing has been made by the Justice Committee today.

Scottish Parliament’s annual Consular Corps Burns Supper


Members of the Scottish Parliament met with members of the Consular Corps, and joined them and other invited guests in celebrating Scotland’s National Bard.

Parliament welcomes international visitors


Today the Parliament welcomed members of the Canadian/UK Inter-Parliamentary Association, and the High Commissioner of Malawi.

Gnìomh gus an an t-iarrtas airson spòrs air a bhrosnachadh le Glaschu 2014 a choileanadh


Gus am meudachadh air an fhèill air spòrs ris a bheil dùil air a bhrosnachadh le Glaschu 2014 a thoirt a-mach, feumaidh luchd-obrach saor-thoileach le deagh thaic is brosnachadh a bhith aig Alba, gu sònraichte luchd-ullachaidh uidheamaichte

Justice Committee makes a series of visits to prisons across Scotland


Christine Grahame and Alison McInnes today visited Polmont young offenders institution as part of the Justice Committee's inquiry into purposeful activity in prisons.

Pàrlamaid Sherbia gus fàilte a chur air buidheann-riochdachaidh bho Phàrlamaid na h-Alba


Tadhlaidh triùir Bhall bho Phàrlamaid na h-Alba air Pàrlamaid na h-Alba an t-seachdain seo gus buithtean-obrach a chumail mu na seirbheisean corporra a gheibh Buill mar thaic riutha san obair aca agus ann a’ bhith a’ conaltradh ris an luchd-taghaidh aca.

Dè tha ath-ùrachadh a’ ciallachadh dhuibh?


Chuala sinn uile cho cudromach agus a tha ath-ùrachadh agus mar sin tha Comataidh Riaghaltais Ionadail agus Ath-ùrachaidh air rannsachadh a chur air bhog an-diugh (14 Faoilleach) gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air gu dè tha e a’ ciallachadh ann an gnìomh

Teenage pregnancy to be investigated by the Health Committee

An inquiry into teenage pregnancy has today been launched by the Health and Sport Committee. The inquiry will ask if action being taken in Scotland is sufficient to bring about real and sustained reductions in unplanned teenage pregnancy.

Justice Committee visit to Addiewell Prison

Alison McInnes MSP today visited Addiewell Prison as part of the Justice Committee's inquiry into purposeful activity in prisons.

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